Stellenbosch University
Experiential Education Conference (SUEEC) 2020

Experiential Education as Pedagogy for Social Justice: praxis and practice for shaping 21st century global citizen-leaders.

Virtual Experience | 10 - 11 November 2020

Thank you for joining us at SUEEC.

We want to thank all our participants, speakers and contributors for joining the SUEEC 2020. Let the global conversation continue.

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SUEEC Programme

The Stellenbosch University Experiential Education Conference (SUEEC) 2020 programme includes world-renowned subject-matter experts and knowledge creators in the field of experiential education and social justice. Click on the image below to access the full programme and learn more about our Keynote Speakers. Please note that the conference times are in South African Standard Time (UTC +2).

Download SUEEC resources here:

You are hereby invited to contribute towards a global collective visioning in shaping pathways for transformative teaching and learning through experiential education.

By accepting this invitation, SUEEC offers you a unique opportunity to engage with thought-leaders, world-renowned subject-matter experts and knowledge creators in the field of experiential education and social justice.


The purpose of this higher educational conference is to explore emerging trends and transitions in the higher education experiential education domain and the intersections thereof with social justice and the formation of the global citizen-leader.

By attending the virtual SUEEC, participants will have an opportunity to:

Evaluate the global phenomena of the intentional and unintentional emergence of student advocacy and activism.

Engage the notion of preparing students for global citizen-leadership within a social justice framework.

Enroll for experiential learning activities through attending virtual Master Classes towards developing skills and capabilities for designing and implementing experiential learning activities.

Explore responsible research and innovative practices within the experiential education domain for knowledge creation through online discussion forums and free on-demand materials.

Establish the formation and/or engage with virtual national and international experiential education networked learning communities

Experience diverse views and collective future visions in shaping pathways for transformative teaching and learning in a time of upheaval and global uncertainty.

Enjoy the passion and commitment of experiential educators offering transformative experiential education programmes through exemplars from across the world.

Who should attend SUEEC 2020?

  • University leaders and professionals designing and leading experiential education.

  • Higher education experiential educators.

  • University academics, researchers and experiential educators interested in bridging in-classroom and out-of-classroom experiential learning.

  • Student Affairs practitioners.

  • Designers and developers of experiential education activities.

  • Social justice educators and practitioners.

  • All who are interested in embedding social justice frameworks within higher education experiential learning opportunities.  

The SUEEC offers Master Classes; keynote addresses, academic paper presentations; a Window on the World (WoW) networked and partnership session, as well as an experiential education exemplar virtual exhibition, in addition to the call for abstracts on one of the five conference tracks,

Abstract submissions will be double-blind peer reviewed and evaluated based on criteria such as relevancy to the conference experiential education tracks; research depth; originality; creativity and innovation in relation to the SUEEC theme.