Participation opportunities

The SUEEC 2020 presents a number of opportunities for presentations, participation, networking and sharing of best practice with conference participants from across the world.

The registration fee will be waived for students who make successful submissions.

1. Master Classes

As part of the conference activities we will be offering participants Master Classes by way of developing skills and capabilities towards designing transformative experiential learning opportunities. The Master classes will ensure interactive engagement, deep learning and reflexivity.

2. Experiential Education Exemplar Showcase

The SUEEC will showcase experiential education exemplars that demonstrate any of the five SUEEC conference tracks. The SUEEC presents an opportunity to share experiential education best practice that has led to transformative learning in the field of experiential education from institutions across the globe. By sharing exemplars, participants from other countries will be able to learn from and engage with best-practice in the field of transformative learning work. This is an opportunity for interactive engagement and exchange of learning and sharing of knowledge. Experiential education exemplars will be showcased in the form of an exhibit of learning materials, posters, and talks, in a video format (3 minutes maximum).

3. Window on the World (WoW)

The Networked Partnership Session will provide you with an opportunity to engage with participants from across the world in an informal atmosphere. Should you choose to, a 1-2 minute Window on the World will grant participants an opportunity to share a bit about their institution and work, based on one of the five conference tracks. The purpose of this is hear from delegates why their work matters.

These 1-2 minute talks, in video format, will allow attendees to view the world from the perspective of experiential educators across the world.

4. Conference Abstracts

When higher educational social justice discourses find expression through student activism, it raises several challenges for universities throughout the world. The key is the preparedness (or not) of experiential educators and students at the forefront of the emergent social justice issues, especially during times of crisis. Of critical importance is the understanding that social identities do not exist independently, race, class, sexuality, skin colour, and gender (among other identities) exist in intersectionality due to the interconnectedness and inseparability from one another (Crenshaw, 1991). This requires a heightened consciousness in the design of experiential education and transformative learning that instils within students and experiential educators a heart that resides at its core, deep respect, compassion, equity, justice and love for humanity in its full spectrum. It requires a mind that is able to engage global complexity, address issues of inequality and systemic prejudices, in all its forms in order to achieve social justice. It proposes experiential education as pedagogy for social justice, as praxis and practice for shaping 21st century global citizen-leaders.

Virtual paper presentations on one of the five SUEEC tracks: All accepted papers/abstracts are double-blind peer reviewed and will be published in our virtual conference proceedings. We are also exploring a SUEEC virtual publication post conference.

How to Participate

Submissions for participation have closed. 

SUEEC Video Recording Guidelines

Not sure how your video recording should look? Here are some helpful guidelines to streamline the process.


Should you have enquiries about these participation opportunities, please email us at, or Ruth Andrews at and Ayanda Ntuli at