Ruth Andrews

Stellenbosch University, South Africa


Ruth heads up the Co-curriculum Office at Stellenbosch University. Her current role involves shaping the co-curriculum transcript recognition through creating structures and processes, as well as providing training opportunities for staff and students towards building excellence in the co-curriculum space. Prior to joining Stellenbosch University, Ruth worked at a number of corporate, non-profit and educational institutions, such as Rhodes University, Allan Gray Orbis Foundation and Mandela Rhodes Foundation. As a scholarly educational leader, Ruth firmly believes in integrating the scholarship of learning and teaching together with the praxis and practice of the experiential learning at Stellenbosch University. And in doing so, in Colby and Sullivan’s words “develop a discourse that includes character, ethics, values, virtues, meaning-making, and spirituality  together with problem solving and critical thinking” as a foundation for citizen-leadership towards transformation.


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