Khairoonisa Foflonker

Stellenbosch University, South Africa


Khairoonisa holds a BSocSci degree, majoring in Psychology and Political Science, an Honours degree in Sociology and a MPhil in Sociology, specialising in Diversity Studies, from the University of Cape Town, South Africa.

For the last thirteen years, she has worked in the Higher Education Sector in her capacity as a facilitator, trainer and materials developer of Diversity, Inclusivity and Intercultural Humility interventions. Khairoonisa has also lectured on topics such as: Power, Privilege, ‘Race’, Xenophobia and the Coloured Identity in South Africa. Currently, she the Manager of Student Affairs at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at Stellenbosch University. Her role is to offer strategic direction and bring alignment to the various functions psychosocial support, student governance, student leadership training, as well as residence life.


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