Dr Matete Madiba

Director: Student Affairs, University of Pretoria, South Africa


Matete holds a PhD degree from the University of the Western Cape, South Africa.  

She is currently appointed Director: Student Affairs at the University of Pretoria (UP), South Africa. Prior to this appointment, she was Deputy Director in the Department for Education Innovation at the same university. Matete previously served as Acting Director: Curriculum and Development Support at the Tshwane University of Technology (TUT) before joining the University of Pretoria’s Department for Education Innovation. Prior to the TUT appointment, she served as a lecturer at MASTEC (Mathematics, Science and Technology College of Education). 

Matete participates on the Tuning Africa Project (African Higher Education Harmonization and Tuning Project) as subject specialist and coordinator of the Teacher Education Subject Area Group. She also serves on the management team of the Tuning Africa Project.  

Her career in higher education has focused on academic and educational development in its broadest sense, including curriculum development, eLearning technologies, holistic student success and student development.  

Matete served on the UP institutional task team for Curriculum Transformation and currently chairs the UP Institutional Transformation Committee. She is a member of the National Executive Committee for SAASSAP, serving as Research Development Officer.


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