Stellenbosch University Experiential Education Conference 2020

Experiential education and student transformation.

Breunig (2008 & 2005) states that experiential education is both philosophy (theoretically informed and intentional) and methodology (teaching strategies). Experiential education therefore intersects with critical pedagogy. The purpose of experiential learning should be to develop a more socially just world (Itin, 1999; Kincheloe, 2004).  

Transformative learning develops autonomous thinking, the ability to make one’s own judgements and interpretations, rather than being persuaded by the values and beliefs of others.  It develops dispositions, skills and capabilities which enable graduates to challenge culture-bound knowledge and to produce new knowledge in a global context.

The focus of this conference-track is to highlight approaches and issues facing experiential educators utilising experiential education theory and methodology as pedagogy towards social justice and student transformation.

  1. Experiential educator development and training

  2. Creating and sustaining opportunities for student transformation

  3. Experiential learning

  4. Creativity

  5. Critical thinking and problem solving

  6. Language learning innovations

  7. Tutoring and mentoring

  8. Coaching toward social justice

  9. Experiential education programme design

  10. Monitoring and evaluation

  11. Competency-based education

  12. Experiential education assessment methodologies

  13. Pedagogical innovations

  14. Academic transcript recognition for experiential education activities

  15. Hybrid and blended learning

  16. Collaborative learning

  17. Student experiential educators

  18. Student lifespan transitions

  19. Evaluation and assessment

  20. Self-evaluation skills

  21. Standardised testing

  22. Quality assurance processes student support and development


If you have enquiries about the submission of abstracts, please email us at, or Ruth Andrews at and Ayanda Ntuli at